Open House


By Landon Dixon

If anyone tells you that selling your own home isn’t worth the time and effort, you can tell them from me; they don’t know what the hell they’re talking about! Not only did my wife and I get a great price on our old house, but we got a great threesome too!

It happened when we met for lunch at home on a Monday afternoon. We had the house to ourselves since the kids were in school. So we decided to take advantage of the hour of alone time and partake in a little afternoon delight.

My wife, Joanne, is a real knockout: trim, tight body, C-cup oh-so-cuppable breasts, big brown eyes and long, lustrous brown hair. A Jane Seymour look-a-like, you might say, only younger and bustier. I can’t keep my hands off the woman, even after ten years of marriage.

And on that fateful afternoon, I had my hands all over her as usual – grasping and squeezing her soft, bare breasts and feeding on her stiff, pink nipples. We were stretched out on our bed, me on top, naked as newborns. Joanne clutching and kneading my butt cheeks, as I sucked on her tits and rubbed her silky smooth pussy with my hard cock.

But given our tight time schedules, the foreplay could only go on for so long. So, after biting into her buds until she screamed, I arched up and grabbed onto my hard-on and slid it home into the tight, hot, wet pink hole of Joanne’s pussy.

“Yes, fuck me! Fuck me hard baby!” she cried, clinging to my shoulders.

I fucked her, hard and fast, the bed groaning as loud as the pair of us. We kissed and frenched and sucked on each other’s tongues, my hands all over her beautiful, bountiful tits again, as I pistoned her pussy. And just when we were building to a mind-blowing climax, I suddenly heard the bedroom door creak on its hinges.

“What the-!?” I yelped, twisting my head around and spotted a woman’s head in the open doorway.

“Whoops!” She said, smiling. “I saw the ‘Open House – Inquire Within’ sign on the front lawn, and the front door was wide open, so I …”

“I told you to take that sign down,” Joanne calmly commented from beneath me. Then to the young woman: “The open house was on the weekend, I’m afraid.”

“Oh,” she said, “I see.” And she sure did, slipping through the doorway and right into our bedroom.

I seemed to be the only one bothered by it all, silly me. “Uh, well, if you don’t mind …” I said, my throbbing erection still buried full-length in my wife’s wet pussy, anxious to get back into action.

“Oh, I don’t mind at all,” the sassy girl replied, proceeding to strip off her skimpy clothing without even being asked. “I’m rather glad I came when I did, actually.”

She introduced herself as Erin. She was tall and lean and blonde, and unabashedly uninhibited for her twenty-something age. Her handful sized tits bounced delightfully on her tanned body as she strolled over and sat down on the bed next to us, and started stroking my shoulder, then Joanne’s.

            I stared at her in disbelief of what I was seeing. Then looked down at Joanne, and saw her shrug and grin. I couldn’t believe this was happening and that Joanne was into it.

            Erin kissed me, then my wife, softly and sweetly, and wildly arousing. Then she got me to roll over onto my back. The two sultry ladies then crawled in between my twitching legs and started sucking on my cock, passing it back and forth between them like a gilded baton in the Sex Olympics.

            I groaned with absolute pleasure, Erin taking a long, hard pull on my prick and then handing it off to Joanne, who sucked me right down to the base of my cock and back up again. Then they licked up and down on either side of my pulsating shaft, before meeting at my mushroomed cap for some mutual tongue-tangling.

            I quivered with joy, my body burning and head spinning. Erin kept a firm grip on my balls, so I didn’t prematurely ruin the party.

            After she and my wife were done blowing me crazy, she got Joanne to spread out on the bedspread, and then dove in between her legs, and started lapping my wife’s sopping pussy like a starved kitten. Which is when I rose up to my knees and positioned myself behind her wagging bottom. I plunged my cock straight into her twat.

            The whole wild scene was hot enough to burn down the house. I know I was on fire – fucking a gorgeous stranger from behind while she ate out my beautiful wife. I was smack in the middle of living out one of my all-time favorite fantasies — and savoring every second of it. I dug my fingers into Erin’s slim waist and pumped her like my life depended on it, Joanne squeezing her breasts and rolling her nipples, thrashing her head from side-to-side as Erin licked and sucked on her clit.

            My clenched thighs banged up against the blonde’s pert butt cheeks, setting them to rippling; faster and faster as I torqued up the friction between my cock and her pussy. Her pussy was just as hot and tight as my wife’s, and it sucked deliciously on my fully erect 8 inch cock as I plunged it deep inside her juicy, throbbing hole.

            “Fuck that pussy, Dave! Fuck it hard!” my wife urged, glaring up at me. Her fists full of tits, fingers pulling on her nipples, body and breasts shuddering in rhythm to my frantic cock-thrusts into Erin. The blonde stranger bouncing on the end of my pounding prick and lapping at Joanne’s pussy.

            Sweat sprouted on my forehead, the bed rattling and the bedroom temperature soaring, the air gone all heavy and humid with sex. And then things got truly crazy when Erin lifted her head out of Joanne’s loins and looked back at me and hissed, “Fuck my ass! Fuck me up the ass while I eat your wife’s pussy!”

            I looked at my wife for approval and in response she licked her lips and winked at me. There was nothing for me to do but go along – willingly and joyfully. So, while Erin washed Joanne’s juices off her glossy lips with her long, pink tongue, I slid my dick already covered in pussy juice out of Erin and pushed the gleaming tip in between her tan-lined butt cheeks.

            Both women stared at me, as I shakily pressed forward, punching swollen cock head through her resisting hole, and then plunging deep into Erin’s ass. And before I could even fully fathom it myself – the dirty depths to which my wife and I, and my cock, had gone to – I was buried to the hilt in the blonde’s sweet ass. And absolutely loving the hot, tight, gripping sensation!

            Erin dipped her head back down in between Joanne’s legs and commenced licking her pussy once again, my wife moaning and fondling and pinching and rolling her nipples to increase her pleasure. As I tightened my sweaty grip on Erin’s hips and pumped mine, I was lost in the moment of fucking this strangers peachy ass.

            My cock and body and brain felt like they were squeezed in a heated vise, as I excitedly slid my cock in and out of the excited woman’s asshole. Fucking her shivering ass faster and faster, ruthlessly rocking both ladies’ bodies with my frantic need to blow my huge load of cum into Erin’s ass.

            I grunted and shunted, smacking Erin’s ass with my body, plowing her ass with my cock. And when the blonde bedroom intruder shot a hand in between her legs to rub her throbbing clit to release her building orgasm, I lost it along with everyone else. My butt-slapping balls could take it no more and my cock exploded with a fury like never before, deep in Erin’s ass.

            My cries of joy mixed with those of my shuddering wife’s, and the wet, muffled squeals of our uninvited lover Erin. Me and the lusty women orgasming hard and heavy and over and over in the throes of our three way ecstasy.

            Even though Erin didn’t actually end up buying the house, she did visit us in our new home…’coming’ over a number of times to play with us.